Gold Coast local Debbie Frugtniet knows first-hand the deep pain and emotion that comes with losing a loved one to cancer.
In 2010, just two weeks before Christmas, Debbie’s mother passed away after a short battle with terminal leukaemia.
Inspired by her mother’s selflessness and bravery, Debbie will continue her legacy by taking part in this year’s Gold Coast Airport Marathon, fighting back against a disease that takes too much.
Debbie has put together a marathon team, Runners for Razzel, which will see nearly 50 family and friends donning team shirts and running with a purpose.
“Mum, also known as Razzel, deserves to be held up on a pedestal – she dedicated her life to her family and friends and always stayed positive in the face of adversity,” Debbie said.
“Being part of the event is our family’s way of keeping Mum’s name alive – whilst cancer has been a big part of our lives, with the love and support of my husband and my two gorgeous daughters we inspire each other to push on and not be defined by cancer.
“Being able to participate in the marathon and raise funds to support Cancer Council Queensland’s vital work in cancer research, education and support programs only cemented our team’s desire to enter.
“It doesn’t matter if you run or walk – join us in celebrating your health and fitness, and let’s work together for a cancer free future!”
Cancer Council Queensland spokesperson Katie Clift encouraged more Queenslanders to take part in the 2014 Gold Coast Airport Marathon.
“With your help, Cancer Council Queensland can continue to fund life-saving research and provide support for people affected by cancer,” she said.
“By raising funds online or making a donation to Cancer Council Queensland you are helping to create a cancer free future.”
Visit www.goldcoastmarathon.com.au to register, ensuring you select Cancer Council Queensland as your charity of choice.
To support Runners for Razzel, visit gcam2014.everydayhero.com/au/runners-for-razzel.
For more information about Cancer Council Queensland visit www.cancerqld.org.au or call Cancer Council Helpline 13 11 20.
Cancer Council Queensland is an independent, community-based charity, the achievements of which are made possible by the generosity of Queenslanders.