The day before the marathon or half marathon
Add one scoop of your favourite Fuel X flavour to 500-700ml chilled water and sip during the day and if you can repeat even better. There are huge benefits to pre hydrating as well as pre-loading carbohydrates which will impact how your body feels on race day.The morning of the marathon or half marathon
Add one scoop to 250-500ml water and sip over the hour before the start of the run.Start line
Just before the start gun goes off, consume one Gel X PRO Coldbrew Espresso which has 75mg of naturally occurring caffeine to help get you focused. Alternatively, a Gel X PRO Lemon Sorbet which is caffeine free.During the run
Drink 2 cups PER HOUR of pre-mixed Fuel X endurance fuel PLUS 1 Gel X Pro PER HOUR.
Fuel X endurance fuel will be provided in FIXX branded cups, at the Refreshment Stations which are located approximately every 5km on the full and half marathon course.
Gel X Pro is a superior energy fuel ideal for athletes looking for clean, high-quality nutrition that is big on performance yet easy on the gut. Like all Fixx Products the new Gel X PRO is All Natural, Gluten-Free, Vegan Friendly AND PRESERVATIVE FREE. Made with simple carbohydrates Dextrose & Fructose, Gel X PRO is GUT FRIENDLY.

Quickly Ingested & Easily Digested.
No cane sugar or syrups.
Dual Source Energy Gel with a 1:.08 Carbohydrate Fructose Ratio which improves the efficiency of utilisation on ingested carbohydrates, reduces the utilisation of carbohydrates stored & can help reduce symptoms of stomach bloating & nausea. Each gel contains 120 Calories & 29.3g Carbohydrates.
Key additions to help performance:
220mg Sodium, Electrolyte Replenishment
400mg Alanine, Amino Acid to help regulate blood sugar
75mg Naturally Occurring Caffeine (OR Caffeine Free Lemon Sorbet)
Both the Cold Brew Energy Shots & Gel X Pro are small enough to carry in your pocket or running belt.