Steve Moneghetti: Starting a training program
The most difficult aspect of any task is just having the courage to start. Beginning a running training program for the Gold Coast Marathon is no different.
Southern Cross University aim for 150+ runners
Southern Cross University (SCU) is hoping to have more than 150 participants in its team across the Gold Coast Airport Marathon events this year.
Gold Coast Airport Marathon Early Bird Fees close Wednesday
Early Bird entry fees for the 2013 Gold Coast Airport Marathon events (6-7 July) close at midnight on Wednesday 22nd May.
Predicted record Gold Coast Airport Marathon and ASICS Half Marathon entries force historic decision
Gold Coast Airport Marathon General Manager Cameron Hart today announced that participant numbers in the 2013 Gold Coast Airport Marathon and ASICS Half Marathon will be capped for the first time in the event’s 35-year history.
Volunteers drive Gold Coast Events through Suncorp Bank Volunteer Program
More than 1100 volunteers will bring their talents to a variety of roles in the lead up to and during the 35th Gold Coast Airport Marathon (6-7 July). They will be recruited as part of the Suncorp Bank Volunteer Program.
Women leading the race in the Gold Coast Airport Marathon
With nine weeks to go until the 35th annual Gold Coast Airport Marathon the event is well on track to become the biggest in its history. And it’s highly likely more women than men will hit the flat Gold Coast streets on the 6 and 7 July race weekend.
Interview: Courtney Hancock
Gritty and determined are two words that immediately come to mind when given the task of summing up the character of two-time national IronWoman Series champion Courtney Hancock. The 24-year-old proved why she’s currently one …
Record opening day of entries for the 35th Gold Coast Airport Marathon
A record opening day of entries for the 35th annual Gold Coast Airport Marathon (6 – 7 July) has the event on track to become the biggest in its history.
Suncorp Bank renews Gold Coast Airport Marathon sponsorship
Suncorp Bank has extended its partnership with the annual Gold Coast Airport Marathon (6 – 7 July) with the renewed sponsorship to include naming rights of the 5.7km Challenge for 2013 and 2014.
Gold Coast Airport Marathon and Queensland representatives achieve fantastic results in Japan
Gold Coast Airport Marathon and Queensland representatives Mathew Skate and Sara Wood achieved fantastic results at the 20th annual Senshu International City Marathon in Osaka, Japan on Sunday (17 February 2013).